Kitchen – Before/After
The pictures on the left are before shots.
anywhere from around 2000 – the after picture (2011)

Inside the doorway looking towards the sink.

Jennie and Autumn baking – I hope that they will enjoy cooking in our new kitchen.

Christy with our old curtains in the background – now I need to get our new curtains made.

This shows how we swapped the placement of the stove and the refrigerator.

The pantry.

The backdoor lock – we upgraded to a keypad on the new lock.

This shows the entrance to the basement that we used prior to the renovaton – filled in with wonderful cabinets and counter top now.

JUNK on top of the frig – not now with the 2′ wide deep cabinet.

View towards the back wall – much more open since we moved the refrigerator.

Sink area – the before counter top is not very representative – I usually never had it that clean and clear of junk.

The cabinet to the left of the sink.

Two of my little granddaughters
Autumn (left) is now 8 years old – V (right) is 1 1/2 yrs old.

View between the end of the cabinets and the dishwasher.

Autumn helping with dinner many years ago –
shows how moving the frig really opened up the kitchen area.

Overall view of both before and after kitchens.
The cabinets along the wall.

View of the corner area of the kitchen.

Zephyr getting into the chocolate chips – he may be disappointed his next visit (no chocolate chips in the draw now).

Emily and Chuck sitting in front of the island – V standing in front of the island.

View of rocking chair – Still need to make the new cushions.

Doorbell – we moved it to over the doorway to the dining room.

Autumn making something at Grandma’s with our old TV in the background – new TV hanging on the wall.

Ty making sugar cookie with junkie desk in the background – neat and clean desk now!

Autumn and Prairie decorating cookies (see the junkie desk in the background – pretty usual state) – new office area on the left. Now to keep it clear of junk!

Close-up of the old desk (one of the occasional times that is was neat and organized) – the new office area.

Entrance into the basement (we kept this door closed with a recline in front of it (see below) – the orange walls were a whoops – stay-tune to see the real color.

The entrance to the basement – it will look even nicer when we refinish the wood.
Powder Room – Before/After

Here is the sink area in the powder room (the after picture is missing come base and has some unfinished painting).

The cabinet over the toilet.

The toilet paper holders.
We are loving our kitchen and enjoy entertaining in it!